At Sylvester Primary Academy, we promote British values in a variety of ways. These values are taught explicitly through our PSHE and Religious Education curriculum.
The examples that follow are an indication of some of the ways we embed British values at Sylvester Primary Academy and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list.
Sylvester Primary Academy pupils have a voice. That voice is heard through weekly, School Council meetings. The importance of parliamentary democracy is demonstrated in annual publicly held elections of school councillors. The process includes nominations, canvassing and voting. Pupils are also involved in the recruitment process for some members of staff. Our pupils learn about their country and where our freedoms, Parliament and constitutional monarchy have evolved from.
Sylvester Primary Academy consistently reinforces the importance of laws and rules, whether they govern a class, the school or the country. Laws and rules are also reinforced through weekly whole school and class assemblies. Pupils are taught the values of laws and rules, the reasons behind them and the consequences that apply when they are broken. The school has links with the Fire Service and the Police and both are regular visitors to school assemblies. The school has access to the designated Police Offer based at Lord Derby Academy.
The various churches and faith groups that call Britain home are all a key part of the Religious Education curriculum. We strive to improve our pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity in school. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying are supported by learning in RE and PSHE.
Pupils are actively encouraged to think about and make good and right choices in their daily lives in and out of school. We provide pupils with a safe and secure environment that supports them in making the right choices via a balanced curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to get involved in a variety of extra-curricular and community activities. Pupils and staff work together for a large number of charitable causes throughout the year (British Legion Poppy Appeal, Wear it Pink, Jeans for Genes, MacMillan, Children in Need, Comic Relief, Slow Down for Bobby, British Heart Foundation and specific Local charities)
Pupils are encouraged to participate in leadership opportunities that not only develop their skills but could potentially impact on a large number of pupils– For example, we have a Peer Mediators who support pupil well being and extremely successful Sports Leaders. Pupil’s at Sylvester Primary Academy accept personal and social responsibility in many ways.
Respect is at the core of our school ethos and is modelled by pupils and staff alike. The school promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our classroom and learning environments. Staff, children and governors have agreed a set of general principles which promote behaviour. These principles are underpinned by our school promises of ready, respectful and safe.
Pupils are part of discussions and assemblies related to what these mean and how they are shown. Our ethos promotes respect for others and this is reiterated through our individual classroom rules, as well as our whole school behaviour policy. We believe that self-regulation and respect are at the heart of good behaviour. We foster and expect good behaviour from all children. This means children are expected to treat each other and the school staff with respect because they know this is the right way to behave.
At Sylvester Primary Academy, we have adopted the following school rules which are displayed in all classrooms as well as in communal areas of school:
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320