Welcome to Year 2!
Miss Amos - Teacher
Mrs. Addison - Teaching assistant
Mrs Cavanagh- PPA Teacher
Mrs Goldson - PE Teacher
We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and that you have a great start to the new school year. We are looking forward to an exciting term!
Useful Information
-On Tuesday and Thursday we have PE, children are to come in wearing PE kits (or plain blue pants/plain white top and school cardigan/jumper)
-On Monday’s spellings will be sent out for the children to practice for their spelling test on a Friday.
-On a Friday children will be set homework to complete for Monday.
-On a Wednesday children will be sent home with a reading book which is due in for Monday.
Our literacy tree units will focus on ‘The Bear under the stairs’ and the Minpins. We will also have weekly guided reading sessions and listen to a range of fantastic stories in class, our first one is called ‘Rabbit and Bear’. Our maths work will focus heavily on place value this term as the children need to have a clear understanding of numbers as we move on to addition and subtraction.
Our science unit this half term is living things and their habitats and we will also be starting our physics unit of seasonal changes.
For more information about our curriculum this term please see the below attachments.
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320
Email: school@sylvesterprimaryschool.co.uk