Welcome to Year 5 where you will find Mrs Davies and Mrs Murphy.
During the first half of our Autumn term, the children can look forward to lots of new exciting learning experiences. As part of our English curriculum, we will enjoy reading ‘King Kong’ by Anthony Browne and learn all about endangered species of the world through our text ‘Can We Save the Tiger?’ In addition to this, we will work hard to develop or geographical skills and understanding as we learn about the rainforests of South America. We will create topographical maps and study the physical and human geography of the tropical rainforests. As well as this, we are lucky to begin learning how to play the ukuleles, and hopefully we will be able to show you some of our skills later in the year.
After half term, we will enjoy learning about the geography of Spain and use our knowledge to make comparisons between a Spanish region and an area of the UK. We will focus on the human and physical geography of these areas and how this contributes to tourism and trade. As part of our English Curriculum, we will be creating a narrative in the style of Carol-Anne Duffy’s ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ and enjoying the text ‘The Man Who Walked Between Towers’ by Mordecai Gerstein.
Our science topics across the term will focus on the life cycles of plants and animals, including humans. As part of this subject, we will be having our lessons on puberty. Information about these lessons will be provided, closer to the time.
Our PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday and children will be required to wear an a school PE kit or a white T-shirt and dark-coloured shorts with appropriate footwear.
In year 5, spellings will be sent home with your child every Monday and they will be tested every Friday. Please encourage and support your child in practising their spellings regularly, this is vital to the learning process.
Home work is set each Friday. This will alternate between English and Maths and will usually be a revision of the topics covered that week. This must be returned by the following Monday.
Reading is a very important part of our curriculum and your child will receive a reading book that will be changed on a Monday. Children must bring their reading book to school at least once a week to be checked by an adult. We award prizes for those children who read regularly so please try to encourage them.
I am excited for the term ahead! If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320
Email: school@sylvesterprimaryschool.co.uk