The Spring Term in Year 6 has a history-based theme in which we will be studying the World Wars.
During the first half-term, our topic is titled 'Terror in the Trenches...’ and encompasses the history of World War One (also referred to as ‘The Great War’ or ‘the war to end all wars). During ‘Terror in the Trenches’, we will be finding out about: the triggers which led to the 'Great War'; the countries that made up Britain’s allies and enemies; the horrific conditions in WWI trenches and casualties of war.
Following on from our World War One topic is 'Pack Up Your Troubles’’ (the history of World War Two).During 'Pack Up Your Troubles’’, we will be finding out about: the events that led to WWII; significant world leaders (including Sir Winston Churchill); the countries that made up Britain’s allies and enemies; the Blitz and evacuation; food and clothes rationing; facts about the DDay landings; the atrocities of the holocaust and VE Day.
Our first English topic has a fiction and non-fiction focus and is centred round the book, ‘The Hidden Forest’ written by Jeannie Barker.During this topic, we will be exploring the ‘wondrous, underwater world of kelp forests’ and producing writing using a range of genres: descriptions, dialogue in narratives, diaries, letters and balanced arguments.
In Spring Two, our English topic has a fiction focus and is centred round the book, ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan.In this topic, we will be exploring the themes of immigration and persecution and producing writing including: narrative viewpoints, diaries, playscripts and stories.
In mathematics, we are studying 2D shape and their properties (polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles and lines), 3D shape and nets, perimeters, areas and volume; followed by fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also revise and explore lines of symmetry and reflection, coordinates and translation. Every morning, we will practise arithmetic methods.
For further information about this term’s topics, have a look at our topic webs.
PE will take place every Wednesday afternoon this half term.
The children have been given reading books to take home which can be changed as often as necessary. Please encourage your child to read regularly and complete their home-reading record. Children are also set weekly Reading Eggspress assignments to complete at home in order to develop their comprehension skills.
Spellings will be given out at the start of each week and our weekly spelling test will be on Friday. It is important that the children are supported in learning their spellings for approximately 10 to 15 minutes each evening.
The children will receive mathematics and English homework on alternate weeks. Homework will be sent on a Friday to be completed and returned by Tuesday.
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320