Personal Development at Sylvester
At Sylvester Primary Academy our curriculum intent is 'providing our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and tomorrow'. In order to implement this, we have carefully considered not only our taught curriculum but the contextual issues we face and placed a large emphasis on teaching our children how to stay safe. Our school promises of 'Ready, Respectful and Safe' are embedded throughout and this compliments our key policies such as our Behaviour Policy and Safeguarding Policy.
Our broad and balanced curriculum gives pupils opportunities to experience life in all its diversity, to gain the knowledge, have an understanding and the skills that significantly impact on personal development, behaviour and welfare and equips every child with the knowledge and skills required in order to safeguard themselves.
Our Kapow curriculum aims to develop the children's Personal, Social and Health Education, as well as full coverage of Relationships and Health Education, Safeguarding, SMSC, British Values and Online Safety. With this whole school approach, we believe that we provide our children with a secure foundation to navigate life in modern Britain and develop positive relationships with themselves and others. We encourage and nurture our children's mental health and well being and believe that they recognise the importance of this.
As a school we have looked at our current context and potential challenges our children may face. In order to support with this, we work alongside a range of range of external providers including: KMBC Road Safety Team, NSPCC, Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue to name a few.
To support with our work on children's mental health and well-being we have a dedicated team of staff and governors who form our Well Being team and currently have Wellbeing in Schools Award. We recognise and celebrate World Mental Health Day.
Our focus on Online Safety is delivered through Kapow PSHE and also our computing scheme of work. We work alongside Knowsley Council City Learning Centres who deliver workshops that compliment this and allows us to target those children who may need additional support for this. Parents/Carers are also invited to attend workshops to help them better understand how to keep their child safe online and given the opportunity to be shown how to put adult controls on children's devices.
Within PSHE the economic wellbeing strand is supplemented with a 'Life Savers' and 'Milo's Money' scheme which gives the children that additional understanding of money.