This year, Mrs Williams, Mrs Cavanagh and Miss Bewley be leading Year 3 on a fantastic and exciting learning journey. Below is some key information for parents and children regarding the Year 3 curriculum and our routines.
For more in-depth information about the curriculum each half term please refer to the Half Termly Topic Overviews on this page.
Reading: This year your child will be doing lots of reading in school but we also need your help to boost your child’s reading. Each week, your child will bring a reading book home to practise with you. Once they have finished the book send it back and we will then send a new book home the following day. Furthermore, Sylvester have invested heavily in a fun, interactive learning resource called Reading Eggs. Your child has login details and can access this at home. Please encourage them to do so as they will really benefit from this resource. Contact the school if your child doesn’t know their login details please.
Spellings: Each Monday, your child will bring home their spellings. We would like them to learn their spellings each night before they are tested on a Friday. Your child needs to return their spellings to school each Friday or you could send a photo of the completed spellings on Class Dojo.
PE: Your child will have a PE lesson on a Thursday and Friday. We would like your child to attend school, on these days, in their school PE kit.
Spellings – These will be sent home each Monday and the children will be tested on a Friday. Some spelling lessons will be set on Reading Eggs (look out for Class Dojo updates).
Weekends - Each Friday, your child will be set a piece of homework (Maths or English). Some of the homework set will be remote and online (Reading Eggs or My Maths).
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320