Sunday 4th October
Please read the following important letter in regards to a confirmed case of COVID-19 at Sylvester Primary Academy.
Sunday 27th October
Remote Learning will be used in the event of isolation. If a pupil or a year group have been instructed to isolate at home for an extended period of time as a result of the coronavirus situation they are able to access Remote Learning.
Wednesday 15th September
Please read the following letter which provides information in regards to face coverings.
Friday 11th September
Please refer to the following document which explains what to do if your child or someone else in your household displays symptoms of coronavirus.
Wednesday 9th September
Knowsley have created a remote education platform to help any parents to find immediate remote resources in the event that their child has to self isolate.
You can find the learning platform via the following link -
Monday 7th September
Please refer to the following letter if you have any concerns about certain symptoms that your child may be displaying. The document explains what to do if your child or someone in your household is displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
Tuesday 1st September
Please read the following letter in regards to the use of face masks in education
Tuesday 25th July
Letter from Leader of Knowsley Council
Re-Think Travel Information & Advice
Tuesday 14th July
Your child is about to go through some big changes in their life as they move up from Primary to Secondary School. There will be lots for you both to think about but it’s important to start preparing now for your child’s new journey to and from school.
The following guide all about travelling to school has been created by Knowsley.
Moving Up - Preparing your child for safe independent travel
Thursday 8th July
Please read the following letter for further information in regards to the upcoming academic year 2020/21.
Monday 6th July
Please find below a link to Knowsley News that provides assurances following the article in national media in relation to infection rates in Knowsley.
Thursday 11th June
Please find the following important letter from Gary Kelly, CEO of the Wade Deacon Trust, regarding the measures that are being put in place to ensure a safe environment both in school and at home.
Wednesday 10th June
Important information regarding reopening of school
Sylvester Primary Academy will be re-opening to a wider group of pupils (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 6 as well parents of vulnerable children and children of key workers) from Monday 22nd June.
We are asking parents from the groups mentioned above to please read the following documents for further information.
Tuesday 2nd June
Important Message
In line with guidance from Knowsley Local Authority and The Wade Deacon Trust, we will not be opening school more widely to groups of pupils from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 until 15th June at the earliest. As soon as we have more information regarding this additional provision, we will contact you.
Many thanks for your patience and understanding regarding this matter.
Ms Harrison
Tuesday 19th May
Important parent survey for parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6
If you have a child in nursery, reception, year 1 or year 6 then please fill out this important survey in relation to the reopening of school.
Monday 18th May
Please find the following important letter from Gary Kelly, CEO of the Wade Deacon Trust, regarding the opening of school for wider groups of pupils.
Monday 11th May
As you may be aware, following the PM's speech on Sunday 10th May, as part of phase 2 there are plans to gradually reopen primary schools beginning with reception, year 1 and year 2.
The following letter has been put together by the Central Collaborative to provide further information on the situation and how it will be approached when guidance has been put forward.
Collaborative reopening letter
Wednesday 6th May
As you may be aware, there has been changes to who will now receive FSM vouchers. Please refer to the following document for the most up to date information.
Tuesday 28th April
There are times when every parent needs a bit of support, but it’s particularly difficult being a parent at present. Knowsley Family Learning Service has a team of experienced parenting support workers who are available to give advice and suggestions to help parents manage their children’s behaviour and anxieties during this difficult time.
If you would like to arrange a telephone call with one of the team of parent support workers, please contact the free phone number 0800 073 0043 and ask for Parenting Support. Your details will then be given to the Early Help Hub and someone will call you back.
Monday 27th April
Knowsley's 'Blooming Marvellous Exhibition
Unfortunately Knowsley Flower Show won’t take place this year but fortunately, you can find a collection of beautiful images of the outdoors in the comfort of your own home with our online exhibition - which will go live over the weekend of the show, 8 and 9 August.
We want to see YOUR photos of seedlings, flowers, plants, trees, vegetables, or anything you find growing that catches your eye to be showcased in the exhibition. You can send in photos of what you’ve grown yourself or of something that you’ve found when you’re out and about.
If it’s something you’ve grown yourself, you might want to send in photos of your creation at different stages of it growing and let us know when the photos were taken. You could be growing vegetable seedlings such as tomato plants on your windowsill, in your greenhouse or even in your allotment. It's also a good time for children to appreciate nature and be out and about so please encourage your children to get involved in gardening and growing, and send their images in too!
You could also tell us how the plant, flower, photo of nature or being in the garden makes you feel so it can be included alongside your photo. It’s no secret, gardening as well as being outdoors can have a positive effect on mental wellbeing so why not explore your community and share it with the rest of us? Of course, providing you are practising social distancing rules and sticking to government guidelines around travel.
You don’t have to be an expert in photography to get involved and the photos don’t have to be taken in Knowsley. The online exhibition is for anyone with an interest in nature or gardening to showcase what they’ve grown or found, and to share the beauty of it with others.
There are four ways to send in your photos for the exhibition:
You can private message Knowsley Flower Show’s Facebook page with your photos and details, or reply to a comment on the page
Post your photos and details on Twitter using the hashtag #knowsleyflowersonshow
Please email with your photos and details
You can also send your photos and details to 07810 054131
It would be helpful if you could include your name, what is in the image, where the image was taken, and how the image, or nature in general, makes you feel but this isn’t necessary.
How to see your photos in the Knowsley Flower Show 2020 online exhibition:
Come back to in August 2020, around the time Knowsley Flower Show event was planned to take place, to see all of the wonderful photos we’ve received.
Friday 24th April
Launch of StarLine
StarLine will help parents and carers in the following ways:
StarLine is available to parents and carers of pupils from all schools nationwide. Free, confidential advice is available six days a week by phoning the StarLine team on 0330 313 9162. For more information, visit or follow @StarLineSupport on Twitter.
The team behind StarLine will also be broadcasting a weekly programme on YouTube. In each episode of StarLive, a guest presenter will share practical ideas for home learning. Further details can be found on the StarLine website.
Wednesday 22nd April
Knowsley Council Early Help Hub
We know that some families may be finding it stressful and harder to cope during these difficult times. We don’t want people to struggle and we have a team of staff who can talk you through any issues and offer you some advice and guidance.
Contact the Freephone helpline on 0800 073 0043 and ask for your information to be passed onto the Early Help Hub and one of our staff will call you back.
Or you could complete the online form by clicking the ask for help and support on this link
Tuesday 21st April
Home learning packs have recently been sent out to all Sylvester pupils. These packs have been designed to provide our pupils with an ongoing education at home. We have also attached ClassDojo class invites to these packs so families can connect to their class teachers, adding that personal touch in these challenging times.
Thursday 16th April
Rainbows & Thank You Messages
As you know, the rainbow has become a national symbol of hope during the coronavirus outbreak. If your child has created piece of rainbow artwork or a thank you message to the NHS then we would love it if you can send a picture of your child holding their rainbow or thank you message.
Please note these pictures will be sent to the NHS communications team.
Pictures can be tweeted to @sylvesterschool or emailed to
Thursday 9th April
5 Top Tips for Home Learning
We now have a new YouTube that went live midday on Thursday 9th April.
If you found the information in the video useful then please share the video with other parents. Don't forget to click the thumbs up button and subscribe.
Wednesday 8th April
Supermarket Vouchers - FAQs for Parents
The following document has been put together to provide parents with some answers for frequently asked questions regarding FSM supermarket vouchers.
Supermarket Vouchers FAQs for Parents
Tuesday 7th April
We have now launched an official YouTube channel. Why not head over to our channel and subscribe?
Monday 6th April
If you have received meal vouchers that you feel you do not need, you can donate them to Knowsley Foodbank. Please email any vouchers you do not require to Sue Torpey from The Big Help (
Thank you!
Thursday 2nd April
NHS COVID-19 Poster
We thought it would be a great idea to share this poster with you which has been provided by the NHS. It is a great way for adults to explain the current situation to younger children and aims to equip them with a better understanding of COVID-19.
Online Safety Newsletter
Knowsley Virtual School have provided us with a copy of their monthly 'Online Safety Newsletter' which is created and delivered by Knowsley CLC.
We understand that children will be using technology increasingly more over the next few weeks so these newsletters should provide various tips and advice in regards to their online safety and digital wellbeing.
Wednesday 1st April
Story Time with Mrs Summerfield and Miss Vernon!
Mrs Summerfield has decided to share a story with her class, to watch and listen click here!
Miss Vernon has also decided to share a story with her year 1 class, to watch and listen click here!
Friday 27th March
We are now happy to announce that we have further guidance in relation to the FSM voucher scheme. Please read the following document for further information.
Thursday 26th March
Government guidance on staying at home and social distancing
We are so happy to see various key figures, celebrities and organisations offer their services during this period of school closure, completely free of charge!
We thought you might find some of the following resources and activities useful:
We are aware that many pupils will spend a lot more time online in the next few weeks/months so we have put together a list of resources that relate to online safety. These resources are aimed to support parents in how they approach discussion about online safety.
If you watched 'Story Time with Mrs Davies' and want to make your own origami Yoda then follow the document below for the instructions!
Head over to the follow link - VisitLiverpoolLater
Visit Liverpool have created various activities to keep everyone busy!
Why not use some of your spare time to expand your knowledge? Why not begin to learn a new language?
Head over to DuoLingo to begin today!
KSSP have provided schools with the following document for families!
Being physically active for at least 60 minutes each day will help with your children’s health, focus, well-being and increase the enjoyment of spending more time at home!
Sylvester Primary Academy
St Johns Road
L36 0UX
Tel: 0151 477 8320